Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Some Quasi-Wordsworthian Doggerel I Knocked out in Greek Civ.

Such faithful trees as Benedict would bless,
Their pious arms the very props of heav'n;
Come morn, low orison do these confess,
Sooth vesper in the even.

At end of day, this rustic hermitage
Lets rise its voice in the breeze's chosen key;
An Ave lifts above the foliage
In easeful harmony.

And a passing traveller, by chance intruding here,
And staring up amidst the warbling throng,
Pauses, a moment idling, so to hear
The arbor's holy song.

-Thomas Banks-


Jeff Moss said...

Is "easeful" a word?

Thomas Banks said...

Yeah, but only if your dictionary includes antiquarianisms. The only other example of the word in the whole of English literature is Keats' "I have been half in love with easeful death."

Jeff Moss said...

Well, how about that? I checked in the online OED and actually found several other examples of "easeful" from the fourteenth century to the nineteenth, including quotes from Milton and Thomas Hardy.

The next edition of the OED will, I trust, cite your poem as its example of "easeful" for twenty-first-century literature.

Chad Honsinger said...

easeful harmony... not bad Mr. Banks